Information about more than 12,000 towns within the 19th century borders of the Kingdom of Hungary that today comprise regions of Austria, Croatia, Hungary, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Slovak Republic and Ukraine. For each community, information is provided for the population by religion. If there was no local church or synagogue, the town where each congregation worshiped is indicated. This is key to identifying the Roman Catholic diocese, the church of record for the events of all faiths prior to civil registration in the 1850s. It is also useful in searching possible places of burial. Additional information about each town includes alternate names and its current name if no longer in Hungary. Towns can be searched alphabetically by their current name, former name or alternate name(s)
The author spent more than five years compiling the information which was based on the 1877 gazetteer, Magyarorszag Helysegnevtara (Hungarian Gazetteer), by Janos Dvorzsak.
8½" x 11" 532 pp. softcover $46.00