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Important Note! The Databases column shows the codes for the various databases in which the surname appears. Scroll the screen down below the list of surnames to see the "List of Databases and Number of Surname Entries in CJSI". For each database, there is its code, followed by a brief description. This description has a link to a more detailed description of the database. Follow the link to learn how to access the database. Some databases are on-line, others are in books or microfiche.

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List of Databases and Number of Surname Entries in CJSI

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A. Jewish Records Indexing - Poland (231,973 surnames). An index to over 5,000,000 Jewish birth, marriage, divorce and death records located in the archives of Poland. An on-going project--continuously updated. Online database
B. All-Poland Database (79,327 surnames). An additional 600,000 records for Poland, from a variety of sources, including: vital records, business directories, voter lists, passenger manifests, yizkor books and other Holocaust sources. Online database
All Lithuania Database (46,656 surnames). More than 400,000 records from many different sources, including Revision Lists (censuses), vital records, tax, voters, and cemetery lists. An on-going project--continuously updated. Online database
All Belarus Database (55,652 surnames). More than 300,000 records from many different sources, including vital records, voter lists, business directories, ghetto records. An on- going project--continuously updated. Online database
All Latvia Database (8,188 surnames). 75,000 records from many different sources, including vital records, voter lists, tax lists, recruitment records. An on- going project--continuously updated. Online database
F. All UK Database (1,409 surnames). More than 50,000 records for England, Scotland and Wales, from a variety of sources, including: marriage and cemetery records, census records, business directories, and others.--continuously updated. Online database
G. All Hungary Database (26,426 surnames). 240,000 records from many different sources, including vital records, census records, property tax records, etc.. An on- going project--continuously updated. Online database
H. All Romania Database (45,240 surnames). More than 190,000 records for Romania and Moldova, from a variety of sources, including: voter lists, census records, business directories, vital records, diplomatic records, yizkor books, and others.--continuously updated. Online database
I. All Scandanavia Database (2,659 surnames). Over 12,000 records for Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland, from a variety of sources, including: census, tax, cemetery records, and others.--continuously updated. Online database
JewishGen Family Finder (97,391 surnames). Surnames being researched by some 60,000 Jewish genealogists worldwide. An on-going project--continuously updated. Online database
Family Tree of the Jewish People (184,237 surnames). 2,000,000 persons who appear on family trees being researched by Jewish genealogists. An on-going project--continuously updated. Online database
A Dictionary of Jewish Surnames from the Russian Empire (49,167 surnames). Surnames from the Pale of Settlement. Book
M. A Dictionary of Jewish Surnames from the Kingdom of Poland (32,884 surnames). Surnames from the Kingdom of Poland. Book
N. A Dictionary of Jewish Surnames from Galicia (34,597 surnames). Surnames from the Kingdom of Poland. Book
O. A Dictionary of German-Jewish Surnames (19,726 surnames). Surnames from pre-World War I Germany. Book
P. Dictionary of Sephardic Surnames: Second Edition (15,810 surnames). Sephardic surnames throughout the world. Book
Sourcebook for Jewish Genealogies and Family Histories (10,284 surnames). Surnames for which there is published family histories and genealogies. Book
Index to Russian Consular Records (38,533 surnames). 70,000 persons who transacted business with the Russian czarist consulates in the United States from about 1849-1926. Microfiche (no longer available)
Galicia Surname Index (5,671 entries). Various lists of persons who resided in Galicia. An on-going project--continuously updated.Online database
First American Jewish Families (4,758 surnames). 50,000 descendants of Jewish-American families who arrived in America in the period 1654-1838. (Out of print) Book
Palestine Gazette (15,142 surnames). 28,000 persons, mostly Jews, who legally changed their names while living in Palestine during the British Mandate (1921-1948). Microfiche (no longer available)
Gedenkbuch (18,144 surnames). 128,000 German Jews murdered in the Holocaust. Book
Index to Memorial to the Jews Deported From France (26,310 surnames). 70,000 Jews deported from France during the Holocaust. Microfiche (no longer available)
National Registry of Jewish Holocaust Survivors (14,742 surnames). 35,000 Holocaust survivors living in the United States and Canada. Book
Sephardic Surnames (7,889 surnames). List of Sephardic surnames.
Z. Les Fleurs de l'Orient (9,441 surnames). Family tree, heavily Sephardic, of 70,000 people.
Emergency Passports (2,383 surnames). 3,000 Jewish applicants for emergency U.S. passports, 1915-1924, processed by U.S. State Department. Microfiche (no longer available)
Index to State Department records found in the U.S. National Archives containing Jewish names in the section on protection of interests of U.S. citizens in Russia (3,104 surnames). 5,000 records. Microfiche
Index to State Department records found in the U.S. National Archives which is a registration of U.S. citizens in Jerusalem, 1914-1918 (863 surnames). 1,000 records.
Index to State Department records found in the U.S. National Archives which is a list of Jewish names in protection of interests of U.S. citizens category in Romania, Germany & Poland (1910-1929) (3,583 surnames). 4,500 records. Microfiche
Index to State Department records found in the U.S. National Archives which is a list of Jewish names in protection of interests of U.S. citizens section in Austria-Hungary (1910-1930) (1,554 surnames). 2,000 records. Microfiche
Jewish Surnames from Morocco. (4,510 surnames) 4,644 different Moroccan surnames. Microfiche
Jewish Burials in Hartford County Connecticut (8,320 surnames). 13,000 burials. Book
Jewish Surnames from Prague (985 surnames) Ancient Ashkenazic surnames from the 15th-18th centuries. Book (out of print)
Cleveland (Ohio) Burials (1,413 surnames). Online database
Birth Index for Buda Jewry 1820-1852, 1868. Index to certain Jewish birth records for Buda (Hungary). (523 surnames). Microfiche
Obuda (Hungary) Census of 1850. Census of all households in this district of Budapest. (588 surnames). Microfiche
Eliyahu's Branches: The Descendants of the Vilna Gaon and His Family (3,292 surnames) Compiled genealogy of more than 20,000 descendants of this great scholar. Book
Surnames in the Lomza, Poland, yizkor book. (2,268 surnames). Online database
Kiev Gubernia Duma Voters Lists, 1906-1907 (9,709 surnames). More than 32,000 Jewish men living in Kiev gubernia, eligible to vote in the Czarist State Duma elections of 1906-1907. Online database
Poor Jews Temporary Shelter (24,863 surnames). A social service facility in London designed to meet the needs of Jews who were coming to or passing through London founded in 1885.
Quebec Surnames (16,227 surnames). Jewish surnames appearing in Quebec vital records.

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