Eliyahu's Branches: The Descendants of the Vilna Gaon and His Family
by Chaim Freedman

Below is part of the family tree of Shlomo Zalmen of Vilna, the father of the Vilna Gaon. Shown are the first four generations providing just a portion of the information about these individuals that is included in the book Eliyahu's Branches: The Descendants of the Vilna Gaon and His Family by Chaim Freedman and published by Avotaynu, Inc.
Major branches include Bardin, Bayuk, Behrman, Bloch, Chinitz, Chwat, Danzig, Don Yechia, Donchin, Epstein, Ettinger, Finfer, Friedlander, Ginzberg, Grad, Helman, Horowitz (Gurewitz), Joffe, Jurbarsky, Kantorovitch, Klatzki, Komesaroff (Komisaruk), Komisar, Kossowsky, Kremer, Kretchmer, Landau, Lipshitz, Menkin, Mintz, Neches, Neeman, Olkenitsky, Penchuk, Pines, Pomerantz, Rabbinowitz, Ragoler, Reezel, Rom, Sternbuch, Sunstein, Taragin, Volpa, Warszawsky and Ziv.
Eliyahu's Branches: The Descendants of the Vilna Gaon and His Family, is a 704-page book, hard cover with dust jacket, that provides biographical information for more than 20,000 descendants of the Vilna Gaon and his siblings. There are 3,300 different surnames, 13 generations, more than 650 citations that identify sources of information and a full name index. The book may be ordered from Avotaynu on the Internet using a MasterCard or Visa. Cost is $69.50 plus shipping/handling.
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Descendants of Shlomo Zalmen of Vilna
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