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Avotaynu Journal

"The single most significant development in the field of Jewish genealogy over the past decade has been the appearance of Avotaynu...(It) is essential for all Jewish genealogists. You must subscribe to it."

---Arthur Kurzweil, From Generation to Generation

Are you an Avotaynu subscriber? The world's largest circulation magazine devoted to Jewish genealogy each year publishes more than 300 pages of useful, interesting information that can help you in your research. Now in its 33rd year, an index to the first 24 volumes is available to all the major articles.

Published quarterly, our contributing editors from 15 countries throughout the world regularly gather important information that appears in our issues. Our publishers, Gary Mokotoff and Sallyann Amdur Sack, are on a first name basis with officials at institutions containing genealogical data throughout the world. Some institutions are YIVO Institute, American Jewish Archives, American Jewish Historical Society, U.S. National Archives, U.S. Library of Congress, U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, Leo Baeck Institute, U.S. Holocaust Museum, Yad Vashem and  Central Archives for the History of the Jewish People.

Subscriptions to our journal, AVOTAYNU, are no longer available, as its editors and production team have retired after 37 years. The Avotaynu Anthology is temporarily unavailable. For more information, contact

Avotaynu Anthology of Jewish Genealogy

We have taken the more than 2,900 articles published in our flagship journal AVOTAYNU from 1985–2011 and placed them on the Internet. The scope of the articles cover virtually every aspect of Jewish family history research as can be seen from "Number of articles by topic" shown below. We then had Google Custom Search do a full-word index of the more than 5 million words. Searching the database uncovers the relevant articles which can then be read and/or printed.

 • 27 years      • 105 issues
 • 2,900 articles      • 7,000 pages

Subscribe now. Cost is $35. Within 48 hours of subscribing you will receive an e-mail with a unique registration number and instructions how to register and use the system.

Important: How It Works. A subscription is tied to a single computer location. If you have a network, any computer in the network can use the service. With wireless capability, any computer within range of the computer can use the service. A second computer location requires a second subscription.
Number of articles by topic:

Algeria 8
Argentina 21
Australia 36
Austria 17
Austro-Hungary 7**
Belarus* 26
Belgium 24
Bermuda 1
Book Reviews 289
Brazil 25
Bulgaria 5
Burma 1
Canada 94
Caribbean 9
Cuba 3

China 10

Computers 21
Conferences 52
Costa Rica 1
Croatia 3
Cyprus 1
Czech Republic 33
Denmark 2
DNA 25
East Europe– Gen’l
Egypt 11
England 125
Estonia* 5
Europe-General 25
Finland 1

France 102
Galicia 20
General 233
Germany 173
Gibraltar 1
Greece 12
Holland 83
Holocaust 177
Hungary 46
India 6
Iraq 3
Iran 5
Ireland 2
Israel 125
Italy 14 
Latvia* 26

LDS 29
Libya 1
Lithuania* 71
Methodology 84
Moldova* 5
Morocco 18
New Zealand 13
North Africa 2
Poland 118
Portugal 21
Rabbinic 57
Romania 33
Russia 46** 
Scotland 27
Sephardic 42
Serbia 2

Slovakia 1
South Africa 22
South America 1
Spain 13
Sudan 1
Sweden 5
Switzerland 27
Syria 3
Tunisia 3
Turkey 22
Ukraine* 57
United States   227
USSR 92**
Venezuela 1
Zimbabwe 1

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