Central and Eastern
European Magnates
and Their Archives
compiled by Edward David Luft
The following is a
list of Central and Eastern European magnates and the locations where
their archives are located. If you know of
additional magnates and archival sources, please write to us so that we
can expand the list.
a general discussion, see "Magnates of Poland and Lithuania, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnates_of_Poland_and_Lithuania and the
links provided by that website.
How do you determine
which magnates owned the lands which included your ancestral town? The
best source for historical Poland is the
15-volume Slownik geograficzny Królestwa polskiego
i innych
krajów slowianskich [Geographic
Dictionary of the Kingdom
of Poland and other Slavic lands]. It is available on microfilm through
the Family History Library system (microfilm
numbers 920957-920971). Libraries with large map or Slavic divisions
might also have the dictionary. It is now
available on CD-ROM from the Polish Genealogical Society of America
(PGSA) and can be ordered at
Slownik is almost
entirely in Polish but does give alternate names in other local
languages such as German, Russian, and other languages.
You can find a description of the work at the PGSA website, http://www.pgsa.org/towns/slownik_eng.htm.
Some of the Slownik
entries for towns have been translated into English and are available
on the Internet. A list of those towns
can be found at http://www.polishroots.org/GeographyMaps/S%C5%82ownikGeograficzny/tabid/61/Default.aspx
For a useful website
in English listing Polish library and archival websites, contact
information for each institution described, holdings,
hours of operation, and identification at each institution of an
archivist or librarian who understands English,
see the Electronic Guide to Polish University and Research Libraries,
website: http://webpages.uidaho.edu/special-collections/other.html#othpl but
a notice at the top of the page indicates that the page will no longer be
updated or maintained after January 1, 2015.
The Polish Academy of
Sciences, Ossolinski National Institute Library, Manuscript Division,
is located at ulica Szewska 37, 50 139 Wroclaw,
Poland. It is a major source for archival holdings on the nobility and
often cited in the list below. Its website
is http://www.oss.wroc.pl/.
More than one-third
all Polish and Lithuanian families were "gentlemen" (in
Polish,"szlachta"), a title granted
by the King of Poland, but many lived barely better than their
peasants. (More than one-quarter of Hungary was
ennobled and lived under similar conditions.) However, a few "magnates"
were incredibly wealthy. Many
had other titles, but these were granted by other rulers, such as the
Holy Roman Emperor [before 1806] or the Tsar
of Russia or the Emperor of Austria [after 1806], never by the Polish
king. The Kings of Prussia were very reluctant
to grant or even confirm titles of nobility. For a discussion of each
noble family, see the Herbarz polski [Polish armorial],
lists each Polish family, its history, etc. The
abbreviation"h." after some of the names listed below means "herb"
[coat of arms], frequently a more important indication of family
relationships than the surname. Families with
the same coat of arms were usually linked by marriage while some noble
families with the same surname might be
wholly unrelated and had different coats of arms. In a few cases the
listings are for castles in a certain place,
since whoever was the warden of the castle kept the archives.
Note 1: More information on the holdings of the
Polish National Archives appears in Biernat, Andrzej, and Laszuk, Anna,
eds., Archiwa panstwowe w
Polsce: przewodnik po zasobach, Warsaw:
Wydawnictwo DiG for Centralny Osrodek Informacji Archiwalnej przy
Naczelnej Dyrekcji Archiwów Panstwowych, 1998, 539 pp.
Library of Congress call number CD1740 .A825 1998 Poland, on reserve in
the European Reading Room. Library of Congress call numbers are
provided here because virtually all research libraries use the same
number or a similar number derived from it. For more information on
records on the nobility held by AGAD, the Archives of Older Records in
Warsaw, see the English language summary, pp. 293-296, in Zielinska,
Teresa, ed., Archiwum
Glówne Akt Dawnych w Warszawie: informator o zasobie:
opracowanie zbiorowe, Warsaw: Naczelna
Dyrekcja Archiwów Panstowowych, Archiwum Glówne
Akt Dawnych, 1992, 311 pp. Library of Congress call number CD1743 .A89
1992. The entire English language summary appears on pp. 289-296. Note 2: Some Hungarian family archives are in Beregovo [Grimstead, Patricia Kennedy. Archives and Manuscript Repositories, the USSR, Ukraine and Moldova, Book 1. Princeton University Press, 1988, p. 828.] Over 3,000 Hungarian (non-Jewish) family archival holdings are listed in Pataky, Lajosné, editor, Családnévmutató a Magyar Országos Levéltárban orzött családi levéltárak és gyujtemények iratauhozm 1526-1945, Budapest: Muvelodési Minisztérium Levéltári Osztálya Megbízásából Magyar Országos Levéltár, 1981, 164 pp. Series: Levéltári mutatók és jegyzékek, No. 1. Only Vol. I ever appeared. Library of Congress call number CD1189.5.A1 P37 1981. The volume is a list of names of the nobility and others whose archival holdings are in the National Archives of Hungary. Next to each name is the identification of the holding location at the Hungarian National Archives. The Ritterschaft Archives of the Latvian nobility is in the Central State Historical Archives of Latvia in Riga, while the Ritterschaft Archives of the Estonian nobility is located at the Central State Historical Archives of Estonia in Tartu. Many of the Estonian files and the inventory of them are available on microfilm at the Herder Institute, Marburg, Germany. For a discussion of some 16th to 18th century castle and land documents in Riga, Latvia; Vilnius, Lithuania; and Minsk, Ukraine see Isaevych, Iaroslav Dmytrovych (Iseviich, Ia. D.), AGrodskie i Zemskie akty-varhreishii istochnik po storii agramyhk osnoshenii v Rechi Pospolitoi v XVI-XVIII v v," Ezhegodnik po agrarnoi istorii Vostochnoi Evropy, 1961g, pp. 90-99, Riga, Latvia, 1963. Because the Russian Empire banned Jews from living within its boundaries, except in the Pale of Settlement, the nobility of Russia is not listed unless they also owned land in the Pale of Settlement or other locations outside Russia proper. Metrical [vital records] in the form of land cadastral surveys/land census registers for 1785-1788 and 1819-1920 exist in Vienna and in Lviv, as well as other unspecified census records for Galicia, which exist in Lviv, Ukraine. The Privy State Archives in Berlin-Dahlem lists at large number of estate records by location. See Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preussischer Kulturbesitz, Übersicht über die Bestände des Geheimen Staatsarchivs in Berlin-Dahlem, Vol. I: Branig, H, Bliss, R., and Bliss, W., Provinzial- und Lokalbehörden, Cologne and Berlin: Grote, 1966. CD1251.B4. There are a large number of files catalogued by location in the finding aids at the Geheimes Staatsarchiv-Preussischer Kulturbesitz [Privy State Archives of Prussian Culture], Archivstrasse 12/14, D 14195 Berlin, Germany; telephone 011-49 30 839 0100; FAX: 011-49-30-839 0180; E-mail: gsta.pk@spk-berlin.de. The website is http://www.gsta.spk-berlin.de/framesets/frameset.php and is partially in English. Those holdings dealing with noble families and filed under their family names seldom contain any data other than official reports to the Prussian government, almost never estate records. See XX. Hauptabteilung, Record Group Vz 802 for noble family records by family name and by location. In Saxony, no Jews could live in any location other than Leipzig or Dresden without the specific permission of the king, which was seldom granted. Those few petitions considered were discussed in council so there is an extensive written record, usually in the Hauptstaatsarchiv Dresden. The archives of various western German Laender [plural for Land and equivalent to a state in the United States], including Bavaria and Rhineland-Palatinate are systematically publishing histories of noble families from their states. Check under the name of the family for a published history and then check that book for archival sources. The publications are in German. While no publication has been found in the United States dealing with the Austrian nobility as a group, the Austrian State Archives at its website, http://www.oesta.gv.at/site/6143/default.aspx, indicates that it holds a large collection of family archives of some the great Austrian noble families, such as Harrach, Trautmansdorff, Paar, and Hohenwart. These archives are usually divided into two parts, the archives of rule and dominion and the actual family archives. The Austrian State Archives has purposely collected such material to replace losses caused by a fire on 15 July 1927. Guldon, Zenon, and Wijaczka, Jacek, "Osadnictwo żydowskie w wojwództwach poznańskim i kaliskim w XVI i XVII wieku,” Biuletyn Żydowskiego Instytutu Historycznego w Polsce, Warsaw. Nos. 2/3, September 1992 (Nos.162-163), pp. 63-77, with English summary, p. 205. Check for index for 1950-2000 in Kwartaknik Historii Żydów successor to Biuletyn Żydowskiego Instytutu Historycznego w Polsce, DS135.P6Z9. See LCCN: 58036630. Shows which named towns were owned by the crown or by noblity in Great Poland or in Kalisch. Ziółkowski, Józef, Podręcznik statystyczno-adresowy większej własności polskiej w Wielkim Księstwie Poznańskim i Prusach Zachodnich: z dodatkiem + Spis duchowieństwa katolickiego w obu dzielnicach, Poznań: Nakład wydawcy, 1890, 175 pp. At Biblioteka Główna UMK, Toruń, Poland, 822905; and http://www.wbc.poznan.pl/publication/1373. Index of the owners of great landed estates in Great Poland and West Prussia in 1890 and their locations. Posen, pp. 1-117; West Prussia, pp. 119-145; place index, pp. 147-153; and name index. pp. 153-159. Addendum, pp. 163-175. Żychliński, Teodor, with a comment by Małgorzata Jarosławska, Złota księga szlachty polskiej Teodora Żychlińskiego, T. 1-31. [3], T. 21-31; Kronika żałobna rodzin wielkopolskich od 1863-1876 r. reprodukcja cyfrowa, Warsaw: BUW. Sekcja Dokumentów Wtórnych, 2002, 1 CD-Rom. Series: Zbiory XIX Wieku Biblioteki Uniwersyteckiej w Warszawie, No. 17, 616 pp. At Biblioteka Główna UMK, Toruń, Poland, CD 373 t.3; and http://www.wbc.poznan.pl/publication/1820. Lists the obituaries of many noble and other decedents for the period 1863-1876. The Library of Congress owns all 31 volumes on microfilm with the last volume containing an index to the other volumes. The first edition was published in Poznań: J. Leitgeber, 1877; the Library of Congress, 1879-1907, has the call number Microfilm 86/2561(C) MicRR; at the New York Public Library, *QR+ (Zychlinski, T. Zlota ksiega szlachty polskiej) (30 vols. in 10.). This series is in the process of being digitized and placed on the Internet at http://www.wbc.poznan.pl/publication/45364 Czajka, Michał, "Bibliografia zawartości Biuletynu "Żydowskiego Instytutu Historycznego" (1950-2000) [Bibliography of the contents of the Bulletin of the Jewish Historical Institute], Kwartalnik Historii Żydów/Jewish History Quarterly, Warsaw, September 2001, No. 3 (199), pp. 393-531, Library of Congress call number DS135.P6Z9 (used by many research libraries), contains a list of all of the articles which appeared in the publication to that date. Many are very useful in searching for towns and names of Jews, especially those by Morgensztern or Fijałkowski. Almost all of the articles are potentially relevant. As a sample, some of the articles and some subsequent articles, mostly containing tables listing towns, are: Horn, Maurycy, "Żydzi województwa bełzkiego w pierwszej połowie XVII w.: (Proba statystyki)" [Jews in the voivodship of Bełzec in the first half of the seventeenth century: (A statistical assessment)], Biuletyn Żydowskiego Instytutu Historzcznego, Warsaw, July-September 1958, No. 27, pp. 22-61, with English summary, pp. 115-116, and tables of towns, pp. 27, 40-41, 43-44 (royal and private towns identified), 46, 51-54, 56, 58, and 61. Goldberg, Jakub, "Rolnictwo wśród żydów w ziemi wieluńskiej w drugiej połowie XVIII wieku (Artykuł dyskusyjny)" [Jews in agriculture in the Wieluń district during the second half of the eighteenth century], Biuletyn Żydowskiego Instytutu Historzcznego, Warsaw, July-September 1958, No. 27, pp. 62-88 and English summary, pp. 116-117, with lists of towns and named Jews, p. 83. Horn, Elżbieta, "Położenie prawno-ekonomiczne żydów w miastach ziemi halickiej na przełomie XVI i XVII w. [Legal and economical situation of Jews in towns of Halicz Province at the break of the 16th and 17th centuries], Biuletyn Żydowskiego Instytutu Historzcznego, Warsaw, October-December 1961, No. 40, pp. 3-36, with English summary, p. 89 and tables of towns, pp. 9-14 and 16-19. Bartyś, Julian, "Stan ilościowy i struktura żydowskiego osadnictwa rolniczego w królestwie polskim w okresie przeduwłaszczeniowym" [Number and composition of Jewish agricultural settlers in the Kingdom of Poland during the period before enfranchisement], Biuletyn Żydowskiego Instytutu Historzcznego, Warsaw, July-December 1962, Nos. 43-44, pp. 18-40, and English summary p. 164, with tables of towns, pp. 33-40. Morgensztern, Janina, "Regesty z metryki koronnej do historii żydów w Polsce (1633-1660)" [and other articles cited therein, p. 107], [Abtracts from the Crown Register to the history of the Jews in Poland (1633-1660)], Biuletyn Żydowskiego Instytutu Historzcznego, Warsaw, April-June 1966, No. 58, pp. 107-150, with English summary, p. 157, and index of towns for all over Poland, p.. 149-150. The article sometimes lists names of Jews. Opas, Tomasz, "Sytuacja ludności żydowskiej w miastach szlacheckich województwa lubelskiego w XVIII wieku" [Jews in towns owned by nobles in the Lublin region in the 18th century], Biuletyn Żydowskiego Instytutu Historzcznego, Warsaw, July-September 1968, No. 67, pp. 3-37, and English summary pp. 134-135, with tables of towns, pp. 7 and 12. . Morgensztern, Janina, "Regesty dokumentów z metryki koronnej i sigillat do historii żydów w Polsce (1660-1668)" [Abstracts of documents from the royal registry and sigillata for the history of Jews in Poland (1660-1668)], Biuletyn Żydowskiego Instytutu Historzcznego, Warsaw, July-September 1968, No. 67, pp. 67-108, with English summary, pp. 164-165, and index of towns, pp. 107-108. The article sometimes lists Jews by name. Morgensztern, Janina, "Regesty dokumentów z metryki koronnej i sigillat do historii żydów w Polsce (1669-1690)" [Abstracts of documents from the royal registry and sigillata for the history of Jews in Poland (1669-1690)], Biuletyn Żydowskiego Instytutu Historzcznego, Warsaw, January-March 1969, No. 69, pp. 71-109, with English summary, pp. 150-155. The article sometimes lists Jews by name. Horn, Maurycy, "Żydowski ruch osadniczy w miastach Rusi Czerwony do 1648 r." [Jewish settlements in the towns of Ruthenia up to 1648], Biuletyn Żydowskiego Instytutu Historzcznego, Warsaw, April-June 1974, No. 2 (90), pp. 3-24, with English summary, p. 134, and table of towns, pp. 17-22. Guldon, Zenon, "Ludność żydowska w miastach województwa sandomierskiego w II połowie XVII w." [Jewish population in Sandomierz towns in the second half of the 17th century], Biuletyn Żydowskiego Instytutu Historzcznego, Warsaw, July-December 1982, Nos. 3-4 (123-124), pp. 17-29, with English summary, p. 137, and tables of counties, pp. 24-28. Błaszczyk, Grzegorz, "Liczebność żydów na żmudzi w XVI-XVII w." [Jewish population in Samogitia in the 16th and 17th centuries], Biuletyn Żydowskiego Instytutu Historzcznego, Warsaw, January-March 1987, No. 1 (141), pp. 21-38, with English summary, p. 155, and table of towns, pp. 30, 32, and 47; tables of kahals, pp. 32 and 51. Fijałkowski, Paweł, "Początki i rozwój osadnictwa żydowskiego w województwach rawskim i łęczyckim" [Beginnings and development of Jewish settlements in Łęczyca and Rawa Provinces in the 15th to 18th centuries], Biuletyn Żydowskiego Instytutu Historzcznego, Warsaw, October-December 1989, No. 4 (152), pp. 3-15, with English summary, p. 133. Tables of towns in the 18th century, pp. 10 and 12. Fijałkowski, Paweł, "Początki obecności żydów na Mazowszu (do 1526 r.)" [The origins of the presence of Jews in Mazovia (until 1526],Biuletyn Żydowskiego Instytutu Historzcznego, Warsaw, June 2001, No. 2 (198), pp. 169-193, with English summary, p. 193. Table of towns, p. 175. Fijałkowski, Paweł, "Osadnictwo żydowskie na Mazowszu półmocnym i wschodnim w świetle wszytacji kościelnych z lat 1775-1781" [Jewish settlement in northern and eastern Mazovia in light of church visitations of the years 1775-1781], Kwartalnik Historii Żydów/Jewish History Quarterly, Warsaw, June 2002, No. 2, (202), p. 155-170, with English summary, pp. 169-170, and table of diocese parishes, pp. 159-160. Fijałkowski, Paweł, "Żydzi na Mazowszu w dobie złotego wieku Rzeczpospolitej (1527-1655), Kwartalnik Historii Żydów/Jewish History Quarterly, Warsaw, March 2003, No. 1 (205), pp. 12-34, with English summary, p. 34, and table of towns, p. 19. Wasicki, Jan, Opisy miast polskich z lat 1793-1794, Poznan, 1962, 2 vols. (1128 pp.: Vol. 1, pp. 1-584; Vol. 2, pp. 587-1128), including bibliographical footnotes, and an alphabetical index of towns within each chamber, pp. 1117-1128. Series: Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, Prace Wydzialu Prawa, No. 2. In German; introduction, chapter headings, and table of contents in Polish. At Library of Congress, DK405.W3; and at New York Public Library, Slavic & Baltic Division, *QR 97-9919. Taken from records in archives in Poland and Germany. There was a survey of goods, services, and conditions in the 3 chambers, Poznan, Kalisz, and Warsaw to find out what the Prussians had annexed in each town as a result of the Second Partition of 1793. The questionnaire covers answers for 1793-1794. The 82 questions posed are listed on pp. 1-8. Response 5 provides the name of the lord owning the town or whether the town is owned by the crown, or, alternatively, if there are individual owners of plots in larger towns. The rest of the questionnaire provides responses from each town administration, arranged by chamber and within each chamber by town, alphabetically. A significant part of the information is financial with respect to each town, but the Jewish population is often provided in answer 30, as is the number of Jewish professionals, such as butchers, furriers, etc., in answer 33. Few Jewish names. |
Note: Additional information about Romanian records appear at the end of the main list.
Another site about magnate records
Ahronowvych-Korniievych State Archives of Poltava Oblast, Poltava, Ukraine, 1719-1884 Althan District State Archives, Wroclaw, Poland, archive from Miedzylesie, 1566-1933 Alvensleben District State Archives, Bydgoszcz, Poland, archive from Ostromecko Bakurynskyi State Archives of Chernihiv Oblast, Chernihiv, Ukraine, 1820-1832 Ballestrema, counts District State Archives, Gliwice, Poland, archive from Gliwice, 1801-1945 Bartoszewicz District State Archives, Lódz, Poland Batowski V. Stefanyk Lviv Scientific Library of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, 1799-1862 Batthyány National Archives of Hungary, Budapest Becsky National Archives of Hungary, Budapest von Berg District State Archives, Olsztyn, Poland, archive from Markiny, 1681-1939 Bergwald-Baldon District State Archives, Gliwice, Poland, archive from Lubie, 1795-1940 Bninski District State Archives, Bydgoszcz, Poland, archive from Samostrzel Borch V. Stefanyk Lviv Scientific Library of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, archive from Varaklani/Warklany, near Rezekne, Latvia Branicki PAN (Polish Academy of Sciences), Ossolinski National Institute Library, Wroclaw, Poland Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine, Kiev, Branicki Archive, 1619-1914 Branicki, h. Gryf AGAD/Main Archives of Older Records, Warsaw, Poland, 1521 to 20th century Archiwum Roskie, Collection of Anna Branicki, Archiwum Bialostockie Branickich, Bialystok, Poland Branicki, h. Korczak AGAD/Main Archives of Older Records, Warsaw, Poland, Anna Potocki Branicki Collection, in the Archiwum Gospodarcze Wilanowskie in the Sucha Collection PAN (Polish Academy of Sciences), Ossolinski National Institute Library, Wroclaw, Poland Bruchnalski Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine, Lviv Brühl District State Archives, Zielona Góra, Poland, archive from Brody and Zasieki, 1426-1945 Bychowiec/Bykhovets Central State Historical Archives of Russia, Grodno Chodkiewicz, Suprasl line District State Archives, Kraków, Poland, archive from Mlynów, 1463/1499-1932 Chodoire/Shoduar State Archives of Zhytomyr Oblast, Ukraine, 1821-1918 Central Scientific Library of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev Chreptowicz Central Scientific Library of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev, archive from Shchorsy, former Navahrudek Palatinate, 18th-19th century Czajkowski Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine, Lviv, 1764-1939 Czartoryski, Klewan line, Konstanty Adam branch Czartoryski Library and Archives at the National Museum, Kraków, Poland District State Archives, Poznan, Poland, archive from Konarzewo University Library, Poznan, Poland, for archive from Siedlec, Rokosowo and Sarbinowo District State Archives, Siedlce, Poland, 1807-1834 Czem District State Archives, Gdansk, Poland, 1254/1477-1944 Damm District State Archives, Olsztyn, Poland, 1681-1939 Darowski PAN (Polish Academy of Sciences) Library, Ossolinski National Institute Library, Kraków, Poland V. Stefanyk Lviv Scientific Library of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, 1810-1889 Daun District State Archives, Kraków, Poland, 1796-1991 Davydov State Archives of Cherkasy Oblast, Ukraine, archive from Chyhyryn uezd, Kiev gubernia, 1782-1903 Dembinski District State Archives, Kielce, Poland, archive from Góry District State Archives, Kraków, Poland, 1670-1843 Derkach Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine, Kiev, 1713-1898 Dernalowicz AGAD/Main Archives of Older Records, Warsaw, Poland Dewitz District State Archives, Szczecin, Poland, 1416-1933 Didziulis Academy of Sciences of Lithuania, Vilnius Dohn District State Archives, Olsztyn, Poland, 1508-1936 Döhnhoff District State Archives, Olsztyn, Poland, archive from Drogosze, 1685-1945 Doniec-Zakrzewski/Donets Zakharzhevs'kyi Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine, Kiev, 1700-1908 Drucki-Lubecki, princes Central State Historical Archives of Lithuania, Vilnius District State Archives, Starachowice, Poland, archive from Baltów, 1892-1945 von Durant, barons District State Archives, Gliwice, Poland, archive from Wielowies, 1664-1900 von Dyherrn-Czettritz, Amalia District State Archives, Walbrzych, Poland, archive from Bojuszów-Górce, 1658-1944 Dzialynski h. Ogonczyk, Paul line PAN (Polish Academy of Sciences), Kórnik Library Archives, Kórnik, Poland District State Archives, Poznan, Poland, archive from Konarzewo, 1644-1936 Dzieduszycki, Dominik Herakliusz line AGAD/Main Archives of Older Records, Warsaw, Poland National Library, Warsaw, Poland PAN (Polish Academy of Sciences), Kórnik Library Archives, Kórnik, Poland PAN (Polish Academy of Sciences) Library, Ossolinski National Institute Library, Kraków, Poland District State Archives, Kraków, Poland, 1220-1915 District State Archives, Poznan, Poland PAN (Polish Academy of Sciences), Ossolinski National Institute Library, Wroclaw, Poland Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine, Lviv, 14th century-1939 V. Stefanyk Lviv Scientific Library of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, archive from Poturzycz/Potorytsia Einsiedl District State Archives, Wroclaw, Poland, archive from Rybarzowice, 1530-1931 Enckevort-Vogelsang District State Archives, Szczecin, Poland, 1200/1647-1926 Esterházy National Archives of Hungary, Budapest Farensbach Central State Historical Archives of Latvia, Riga Ferson Central State Historical Museum of Estonia, Tartu Festetics National Archives of Hungary, Budapest Finckenstein District State Archives, Olsztyn, Poland, 1332-1944 Fischer District State Archives, Kraków, Poland, 1753/1799-1942 Flemming District State Archives, Szczecin, Poland, 1688-1898 de la Gardie Tartu State University Scientific Library, Tartu, Estonia Gizycki Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine, Kiev, 1664-1913 Godebski Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine, Kiev, 1652-1833 Golembowski District State Archives, Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland, archive from Biala Szlachecka, 1803-1894 Górski, h. Nalecz Central State Historical Archives of Lithuania, Vilnius, 1544-1941 Götz-Okociomski District State Archives, Kraków, Poland, 19th to 20th centuries Grocholski Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine, Kiev, 1580-1913 Groeben District State Archives, Elblag (located in Malbork), Poland, archive from Nowa Wioska, 1584-1870 Grünewalt Central State Historical Museum of Estonia, Tartu Halahan Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine, Kiev, archive from Prykuky Branch of the State Archives of Chernihiv Oblast Central Scientific Library of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev, 1716-1896 Hatzfeldt District State Archives, Wroclaw, Poland, archive from _migród, 1408-1944 Hochberg District State Archives, archive from Ksiaz, 1318-1945 Hochendorf District State Archives, Koszalin, Poland, Slupsk Branch, 15th to 20th centuries Hohenlohe Ingelfingen, prince District State Archives, Katowice, Poland, archive from Koszecin, 1455-1945 Hohol-Ianovskyi (family of Nikolai Gogol) Central Scientific Library of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev Homolacs District State Archives, Kraków, Poland, Nowy Targ branch, 1696-1924/1932 von Hueck The family archive, formerly in Talinn, Estonia, was destroyed during World War II Igelström Central State Historical Museum of Estonia, Tartu Ignatev Central Scientific Library of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev, 1872-1915 Ivanovych State Archives of Poltava Oblast, Poltava, Ukraine Jablonowski PAN (Polish Academy of Sciences) Library, Kraków, Poland V. Stefanyk Lviv Scientific Library of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, archive from Bursztyn/Burshtyn Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine, Lviv, 18th-19th centuries Jaworski-Starzenski District State Archives, Rzeszów, Poland, archive from Góra Ropczycka, 1765-1870 Jelski Jagiellonian University Library, Kraków, Poland Kállay National Archives of Hungary, Budapest Károlyi National Archives of Hungary, Budapest Karp University of Vilnius Library, Vilnius, Lithuania, 18th century Karwat District State Archives, Torun, Poland, archive from Wichulec, 1660-1933/1966 Kiriakov State Archives of Poltava Oblast, Poltava, Ukraine, 1810-1900 Khanenko/Chanienko Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine, Kiev, 1661-1822 Koidell Central State Historical Archives of Lithuania, Vilnius Klemensowski District State Archives, Lublin, Poland, archive from Celejów, 1766-1938 Kleniewski District State Archives, Lublin, Poland, archive from Kluczkowice and Opole Lubelskie, 1818- 1944/1950 Kochubei Russian State Archives of Early Acts, Moscow, Russia Central State Historical Archives, St. Petersburg, Russia Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine, Kiev Koerner District State Archives, Torun, Poland, archive from Torun and Mlewiec, 1760-1939 Komierowski District State Archives, Bydgoszcz, Poland, archive from Komierów Kondratiew/Kondrat'ev Central State Historical Archives of Lithuania, Vilnius Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine, Kiev, archive from Bohodukhiv, 1658-1897 Konopko District State Archives, Kraków, Poland, archive from Modlnica, 1526-1939 District Library in honor of H. Lopacinski, Lublin, Poland, 18th to 19th century District State Archives, Tarnów, Poland, archive from Bren, 1785-1945 Korotynski District State Archives of the City of Warsaw, Poland Korybut Woroniecki District State Archives, Lublin, Poland, archive from Huszlewo, 1540-1904 Kossakowski Central State Historical Archives of Lithuania, Vilnius Kozlowski V. Stefanyk Lviv Scientific Library of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, pre-1917 von Kraft District State Archives, Olsztyn, Poland, 1681-1939 |
Krasinski, Ukrainian line National Library, Warsaw, Poland, Krasinski Library, fee-tail line District State Archives, Czestochowa, Poland PAN (Polish Academy of Sciences) Library, Kraków, Poland Jagiellonian University Library, Kraków, Poland Krokowski District State Archives, Gdansk, Poland, 1254/1477-1944 Krüdener Central State Historical Archives of Latvia, Riga Kuczynski District State Archives, Siedlce, Poland, archive from Korczewo and Repki, 1719-1853 Lanckoronski Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine, Lviv, 1440-1939 Lehndorf District State Archives, Olsztyn, Poland, archive from Sztynort, 1667/1715-1929 Leikfeld Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine, Kiev, 1876-1918 Leontovych State Archives of Poltava Oblast, Poltava, Ukraine Lepel District State Archives, Szczecin, Poland, 1173/1739-1939 Leski/Lesko castle archives Central Library of the Academy of Sciences of Lithuania, Vilnius District State Archives, Przemysl, Poland, 1471-1924 Leszczynski (kings of Poland) District State Archives of the City of Warsaw, Poland, 1767-1985 District State Archives, Lublin, Poland, 1532-1836 Lónyay National Archives of Hungary, Budapest Lopacinski Central Library, Academy of Sciences of Lithuania, Vilnius Los District State Archives, Lublin, Poland, archive from Niemcy, 1561-1943 Luba-Radziminski V. Stefanyk Lviv Scientific Library of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, archive from Berch, near Dubno, Volhynia Lubecki Central State Historical Archives of Belarus, Minsk Central State Historical Archives of Lithuania, Vilnius Lubienski, line of counts AGAD/Main Archives of Older Records, Warsaw, Poland University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland PAN (Polish Academy of Sciences) Library, Kraków, Poland Raczynski (Public) Library, Poznan, Poland Lubomirski, Przeworsk line, Dubiensk branch Central State Historical Archives of Belarus, Minsk AGAD/Main Archives of Older Records, Warsaw, Poland, for Lubomirski Archive from Mala Wies, 16th to 20th centuries District State Archives, Kraków, Poland, Lubomirski archive, 19th to 20th centuries District State Archives, Lublin, Poland, for archive from Dubno, 1619-1854 District State Archives, Rzeszów, Poland, for archive from Rzeszów, 1502-1941 PAN (Polish Academy of Sciences), Ossolinski National Institute Library, Wroclaw, Poland, including archive from Kruszyna, near Czestochowa, and for archive from Kruszyna, 1781- 1869 Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine, Kiev, 1560-1907 Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine, Lviv, 1586-1939 V. Stefanyk Lviv Scientific Library of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, Dabrowa line, 1781-1869 Zhytomyr Regional Museum, Zhytomyr, Ukraine Lukaszewicz/Lukashevych Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine, Kiev, 1753-1912 Maksymovych Central State Historical Archives of Lithuania, Vilnius, 1569-1919 Malachowski District State Archives, Kielce, Poland, archive from Bialaczów Maltzahn-Utzedell District State Archives, Szczecin, Poland, 1738-1923 Meyandorff Central State Historical Archives of Latvia, Riga, 1700-1825 Mier and Jedrzejowicz District State Archives, Rzeszów, Poland, archive from Staromiescie, k. Rzeszów, 1686-1941 Mierzejewski Central Library of the Academy of Sciences of Lithuania, Vilnius Mniszech PAN (Polish Academy of Sciences), Ossolinski National Institute Library, Wroclaw, Poland, including archive from Wisniowiecki Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine, Kiev, 1557-1847 V. Stefanyk Lviv Scientific Library of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv Mycielski District State Archives, Rzeszów, Poland, archive from Wisniowa, 1815-1939 Myklashevs'kyi Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine, Kiev, 1665-1908 Myloradovych Chernihiv Historical Museum, Chernihiv, Ukraine, archive from Poltava Myszkowski, Mirów line (Voivodes) District State Archives, Kielce, Poland, archive from Myszkowski Nezhentsev State Archives of Poltava Oblast, Poltava, Ukraine, 1787-1836 Nirod Zhytomyr Regional Museum, Zhytomyr, Ukraine Ogieclinski, h. Oginiec Central State Historical Archives of Lithuania, Vilnius PAN (Polish Academy of Sciences) Library, Kraków, Poland Raczynski (Public) Library, Poznan, Poland Oginski, Szymon Karol line Central State Historical Archives of Lithuania, Vilnius, archive from Zagare-Grozdzai, 1747-1920 PAN (Polish Academy of Sciences) Library, Kórnik, Poland PAN (Polish Academy of Sciences) library, Kraków, Poland Raczynski (Public) Library, Poznan, Poland Ossolinski, h. Topór, Prokop line AGAD/Main Archives of Older Records, Library, Warsaw, Poland National Library, Warsaw, Poland PAN (Polish Academy of Sciences) Library, Kraków, Poland PAN (Polish Academy of Sciences), Ossolinski National Institute Library, Wroclaw, Poland V. Stefanyk Lviv Scientific Library of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, 1515-1791 Ostrogski/Ostrozkyi, princes Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine, Kiev, from 1603, particularly for Volhynia V. Stefanyk Lviv Scientific Library of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, particularly for Volhynia, from 1603 Ostrowski District State Archives, Lódz, Poland, archive from Maluszyn, 1425-1944 Pahlen Central State Historical Museum of Estonia, Tartu Passek Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine, Kiev, 1710-1858 Paszkewicz/Paskevich University of Vilnius Library, Vilnius, Lithuania, small part Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine, Minsk, archive from Gomel, 1834-1918 Pavlovych State Archives of Poltava Oblast, Poltava, Ukraine Pawlikowski PAN (National Academy of Sciences), Kórnik Library Archives, Zakopane Branch, Zakopane, Poland Perényi National Archives of Hungary, Budapest Transcarpathian Oblast Archives, Berehove, Ukraine, 1417-1944 Pestov Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine, Kiev, 1745-1917 Piasechynski V. Stefanyk Lviv Scientific Library of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, 16th-17th centuries Pinocci District State Archives, Kraków, Poland, 1337-1777 Plater, h. Plater, (Lithuanian Broël-Plater line) Kurkla line Central State Historical Archives of Belarus, Minsk Central State Historical Archives of Lithuania, Vilnius AGAD/Main Archives of Older Records, Warsaw, Poland, archive from Antuzów District State Archives, Kielce, Poland, archive from Bialacz Jagiellonian University Library, Kraków, Poland Central Scientific Library of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev, especially Volhynia and Podolia, 1633-1881, including archive from Dobrovitsa Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine, Kiev, including archive from Dubrovitsa/Dubrowice, 1750-191 Pociej AGAD/Main Archives of Older Records, Warsaw, Poland Podewils-Vorwerk District State Archives, Szczecin, Poland, 1613-1840 Pol/von Paul D. I. Iavornytskyi Dnipropetrovsk Historical Museum, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine, 1828-1890 Poletyka Chernihiv Historical Museum, Chernihiv, Ukraine, 1760-1870 Poletylo District State Archives, Lublin, Poland, archive from Wojslawice, 1588-1922 Poniatowski, h. Ciolek AGAD/Main Archives of Older Records, Warsaw, Poland, 1461-1843 Czartoryski Library, Kraków, Poland PAN (Polish Academy of Sciences) Library, Kraków, Poland Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine, Kiev, 1719-1880 Popiel AGAD/Main Archives of Older Records, Warsaw, Poland, archive from Turna Popov Russian State Library, Moscow, Russia State Historical Museum, Moscow, Russia State Archive of the Crimean Oblast, Simferopol, Ukraine, archive from Tavel, 1653-1920 Potocki, h. Pilawa, Pryasow line (Golden Pilawa) and Tulczyn line, h. Pilawa AGAD/Main Archives of Older Records, Warsaw, Poland, (including their Public Archives, 1551- 1879) for Lancut, 1397-1944; Jablonna, 1484-1926; Wilanów, Radzyn, 1500-1841 National Museum, Warsaw, Poland, for a small portion Public Library, Warsaw, Poland, Building C, for Brzezany and Helenów (small portion), includes for Jakub Ksawery Aleksander Potocki (1863 1934), Brzezany; Helenów and Jaktorów, Blonie; Telatycze, Brzesc on Bug, Wysokie Litewskie; Pratulin, Biala Podlaska; Balabanówka, Konstantynów PAN (Polish Academy of Sciences) Library, Kraków, Poland for archives of Tulczyn and Peczary Czartoryski Library, Kraków, Poland District State Archives, Kraków, Poland, archive from Krzeszowice, 1391-1939 District State Archives, Lódz, Poland, archive from Maluszyn, 1425-1944 District State Archives, Rzeszów, Poland, archive from Lancut, 1884-1946 Central Scientific Library of W. U. Wornatsky, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev, for estate papers from Lancut Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine, Kiev, archive from Tulchyn, 1435-1918 V. Stefanyk Lviv Scientific Library of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, archive from Lancut and other locations, 1853-1939 Zhytomyr Regional Museum, Zhytomyr, Ukraine Potulicki AGAD/Main Archives of Older Records, Warsaw, Poland, archive from Obory District State Archives, Kraków, Poland, 1391-1939 Praschmy, counts District State Archives, Opole, Poland, archive from Niemodlin, 1407-1944 Princes castle, Racibórz District State Archives, Racibórz, Poland, archive for 17th century to 1938 Przezdziecki AGAD/Main Archives of Older Records, Warsaw, Poland, 1536-1896 Pszczynski, princes District State Archives, Pszczyna, Poland, archive from Pszczyna Puttkamer District State Archives, Szczecin, Poland, 1572-1937 Raczynski, Great Poland line District State Archives, Czestochowa, Poland District State Archives, Kielce, Poland, for archive from Zloty Potok District State Archives, Poznan, Poland National Museum in Poznan, Poland, Rogalin branch Raczynski (Public) Library, Poznan, Poland Radolinski District State Archives, Poznan, Poland, archive from Jarocin, 1487-1941 Radziwill, h. Traby, klecka Mlodsza line, fee-tail branch Central State Historical Archives of Belarus, Minsk University of Vilnius Library, Vilnius, Lithuania AGAD/Main Archives of Older Records, Warsaw, Poland, archive from Nieswiez/Nesvizh, Nieborów (1427-1945) and Poloneczka, 15th to 19th centuries, including Warsaw Archives, 19th to 20th centuries National Library, Warsaw, Poland, Manuscript Division National Museum, Warsaw, Poland, Museum of the Palace and Park in Nieborów branch District State Archives, Czestochowa, Poland, 1783/1816-1916 District State Archives, Kielce, Poland, for archive from Naglowice, Oksza, and Chycza Jagiellonian University Library, Kraków, Poland PAN (Polish Academy of Sciences) Archives, Kórnik Library, Kórnik, Poland Czartoryski Library, Kraków, Poland PAN (Polish Academy of Sciences) Library, Kraków, Poland District State Archives, Poznan, Poland, small portion of the fee-tail archive Raczynski (Public) Library, Poznan, Poland Institute of History of Russia, St. Petersburg Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine, Kiev, 1338-1928 Rakhmanov Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine, Kiev, 1722-1890 von Reden, counts District State Archives, Wroclaw, Poland, archive from Bukowice, 1720-1854 Reiser/Raizer State Archives of Poltava Oblast, Poltava, Ukraine, 1719-1878 Repnin PAN (Polish Academy of Sciences), Ossolinski National Institute Library, Wroclaw, Poland Central State Historical Archives of Early Acts, St. Petersburg, Russia V. Stefanyk Lviv Scientific Library of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, 1764-1911 Rogalinski District State Archives, Poznan, Poland Romer National Library, Warsaw, Poland |
Roscisewski V. Stefanyk Lviv Scientific Library of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, archive from Lypivka/Lipówka Rosen Central State Historical Archives of Latvia, Riga, 1700-1825 That portion of the Rosen Archives, formerly in Talinn, Estonia, was destroyed in World War II Rozwadowski PAN (Polish Academy of Sciences), Ossolinski National Institute Library, Wroclaw, Poland V. Stefanyk Lviv Scientific Library of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv Rulikowski District State Archives, Lublin, Poland, 1520-1944/1952 Rumiancew/Rumiantsev Central State Historical Archives of Belarus, Minsk, archive from Gomel, 1776-1834 Russian State Library, Moscow, Russia Chernihiv Historical Museum, Chernihiv, Ukraine, 1755-1834 Rzewuski, Podhorce line, Pohrebyszcz branch District State Archives, Kraków, Poland, for archive from Podhorce District State Archives, Lódz, Poland, archive from Bratoszewice, 1552-1927 Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine, Kiev, 1649-1859 Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine, Lviv, 1440-1939 Sambir (location) crown estates Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine, Lviv, 1530-1833 (ekonomia) Lviv University Library, Lviv, Ukraine Sambirski/Sambirs'kyi Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine, Kiev, 1714-1897 Sanguszko, Kowel line District State Archives, Kraków, Poland, for archive from Slawuta and Guminiska, 1284-1945 Jagiellonian University Library, Kraków, Poland District Museum, Tarnów, Poland, 1860-1934 Zhytomyr Regional Museum, Zhytomyr, Ukraine Sapieha, Koden line, Krasiczyn branch (sometimes Sapieha-Kodenski) Academy of Sciences of Lithuania, Central Library, Vilnius, including Birzai estate AGAD/Main Archives of Older Records, Warsaw, Poland Public Library, Building C, Warsaw, Poland University of Warsaw Library, Warsaw, Poland Jagiellonian University Library, Kraków, Poland National Museum, Kraków, Poland PAN (Polish Academy of Sciences) Library, Kraków, Poland District State Archives, Poznan, Poland Raczynski (Public) Library, Poznan, Poland Kapitulna Library, Przemysl, Poland Wiktor Stachowiak Museum in Trzcianka, Poland, near Pila PAN (Polish Academy of Sciences), Ossolinski National Institute Library, Wroclaw, Poland Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine, Kiev. 1402-1831 Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine, Lviv V. Stefanyk Lviv Scientific Library of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, archive from Krasiczyn, near Przemysl, 16th-19 centuries von Schenck District State Archives, Olsztyn, Poland, 1681-1939 Schwerin District State Archives, Olsztyn, Poland, 1600-1913 Sczaniewcki District State Archives, Torun, Poland, archive from Nawra, 1459-1939 Shenborn/Schönborn-Buchheim Transcarpathian Oblast Archives, Ukraine, Mukacheve branch, 17th-19th centuries Shykhutskyi Chernihiv Historical Museum, Chernihiv, Ukraine, 1669-1901 Sierakowski District State Archives, Gdansk, Poland, 1254/1477-1944 Sikorski District State Archives, Bydgoszcz, Poland, archive from Wielki Chelm, 1596-1939 Skarbek V. Stefanyk Lviv Scientific Library of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, archive from Psara, 1780-1840 Skarzhynskyi State Archives of Poltava Oblast, Poltava, Ukraine, 1741-1921 Skorkowski District State Archives, Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland, archive from Wielka Wola, 19th century Skoropadski/Skoropads'ky Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine, Kiev, 1760-1917 Skórzewski District State Archives, Poznan, Poland, archive from Czerniejewo, 1427-1940 Slizen Central State Historical Archives of Russia, Grodno Sluszka AGAD/Main Archives of Older Records, Warsaw, Poland Sniezawski District State Archives, Lublin, Poland, archive from Palikije and Milocin, 1696-1939 Somnitz District State Archives, Gdansk, Poland, 1254/1477-1944 Sopocko District State Archives, Kraków, Poland, 1594-1873 Stadnicki District State Archives, Kraków, Poland, archive from Nawojowa, 1766-1863 V. Stefanyk Lviv Scientific Library of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, 1580-1791 Starowiejski District State Archives, Kraków, Poland, archive from Korabniki, 1546-1859 Starzenski/Storozhenko AGAD/Main Archives of Older Records, Warsaw, Poland Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine, Kiev, 1717-1919 Storozhenko Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine, Kiev, 1717-1919 Stroganow/Stroganov Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine, Kiev, 1579-1919 Suffczynski Catholic University Library, Lublin, Poland, 17th-19th century, mostly family genealogy District State Archives, Tomaszów Mazowiecki, Poland, archive from Ossa, 1803-1934 Sulkowski District State Archives, Katowice, Poland, Bielsko Biala branch, archive from Bielsko, 1583 to 20th century Sulyma Institute of History, St. Petersburg, Russia Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine, Kiev, 17th-19th centuries, along with related Iesynontovskyi, Shorupa, and Voitsekhovych families Suszczanski-Proskura/Sushchanskyi Proskura (Proskury) Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine, Kiev, 18th-19th centuries Central Scientific Library of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev, 16th-19 centuries Swiecki District State Archives, Chelm, Poland, archive from Majdan Stulenski, 1926-1939 Szczerbynim/Shcherbynyn Central Historical Archives of Ukraine, Kiev, 1801-1906 Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine, Kiev, 1740-1848 Szenejeko District State Archives, Siedlce, Poland, 1677-1944 Szlubowski District State Archives, Lublin, Poland, 1590-1889 Sztáray Regional State Archives, Prešov, Slovakia Transcarpathian Oblast Archives, Berehove, Ukraine Tarczynski, (starting with Wladyslaw Tarczynski) District State Archives, Lowicz, Poland, 1633-1941 Tarlo Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine, Kiev, 1616-1785 Tarnowski Tarnowski line, archive from Dzików and Chorzelów AGAD/Main Archives of Older Records, Library, Warsaw, Poland, archive from Sucha District State Archives, Kraków, Poland, for archive from Dzików, 1310-1948, and Chorzelów, 1807-1931 Chernihiv Historical Museum, Chernihiv, Ukraine, 1684-1899 Tereszenko/Tereshchenko Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine, Kiev, 1857-1919 Kiev Museum of Russian Art, Kiev, Ukraine Zhytomyr Regional Museum, Zhytomyr, Ukraine von Tettau District State Archives, Olsztyn, Poland, 1681-1939 Tomkowicz District State Archives, Kraków, Poland, archive from Kobiernice, 1564-1863 Tysha-Bukovskyi Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine, Kiev, 16th-17th centuries Treter Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine, Kiev, 17th century-1939 Tyzenhauz/Tiezenhausen AGAD/Main Archives of Older Records, Warsaw, Poland, 1457-1874 Tyszkiewicz, Wasyl line, Bialopol branch Academy of Sciences of Lithuania, Central Library, Vilnius, 1518-1876 Central State Historical Archives of Lithuania, Vilnius, archive from Randondvaris, 1451-1915 National Library, Warsaw, Poland, Manuscript Division, limited to Zofia Tyszkiewicz Potocki Uexküll Central State Historical Museum of Estonia, Tartu Ujhelyi National Archives of Hungary, Budapest Ungarn Central State Historical Archives of Latvia, Riga Urbanski District State Archives, Przemysl, Poland, archive from Haczowa, 1602-1860 Ustarbowski District State Archives, Gdansk, Poland, 1254/1477-1944 Vorobin Central Scientific Library of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev, archive from Polesia Wasilczikow/Vasil'chikov Central State Historical Archives of Lithuania, Vilnius Wejher District State Archives, Gdansk, Poland, 1254/1477-1944 Wezyk District State Archives, Lódz, Poland, archive from Beldów, 1552-1945 Welczek District State Archives, Gliwice, Poland, archive from Labedy, 1636-1905 Weyssenhoff Central State Historical Archives of Lithuania, Vilnius, 1574-1908 Wielopolski, Senior line, branch of the counts AGAD/Main Archives of Older Records, Warsaw, Poland District State Archives, Katowice, Poland District State Archives, Kielce, Poland, archive from Chrobrze PAN (Polish Academy of Sciences), Ossolinski National Institute Library, Wroclaw, Poland Wierzejski District State Archives, Siedlce, Poland, archive from Wierzejki, 1824-1929 Wisniowiecki Polish Academy of Sciences Library, Kraków, Poland Wodzicki PAN (Polish Academy of Sciences), Ossolinski National Institute Library, Wroclaw, Poland, archive from Koscielniki Wojanowski District State Archives, Gdansk, Poland, 1254/1477-1944 Wybranowski V. Stefanyk Lviv Scientific Library of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, archive from Kossowa, near Wadowice, Poland, near Kraków Wysocki of Glupiejewo AGAD/Main Archives of Older Records, Warsaw, Poland, archive from Glupiejewo, 1476 to 20th century District State Archives, Kraków, Poland, 1808-1960 Zabiello AGAD/Main Archives of Older Records, Warsaw, Poland, 1535-1885 Zachert District State Archives, Katowice, Poland, archive from Kromolów, 1799-1945 Zadonskyi Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine, Kiev, 1844-1910 Zaganski, prince District State Archives, Zielona Góra, Poland, archive from Zagan, 1653-1927 Zajdler District State Archives, Chelm, Poland, archive from Chelm, 1825/1865-1940 Zaleski PAN (Polish Academy of Sciences), Ossolinski National Institute Library, Wroclaw, Poland V. Stefanyk Lviv Scientific Library of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv, 1806-1929 Zaluski District State Archives, Kraków, Poland, archive from Siedliszowice, 1524-1904 District State Archives, Skolyszyn, Poland, archive from Iwonicz, 1848-1944 Zamoyski/Zamojski, including Hungarian line AGAD/Main Archives of Older Records, Warsaw, Poland, Zamoyski archive, 1155-1938 National Library, Warsaw, Poland District State Archives, Lublin, Poland, archive from Kozlówka, 1863-1939 (fee-tail line); archive from Podzamcze, 1807-1889; Wlodawa, 1772-1942; and Zwierzyniec, 1581-1944 (fee-tail line) Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine, Kiev, 1506-1915 Zamoyski, Count Wladyslaw District State Archives, Kraków, Poland, Nowy Targ branch, 1696-1924/1932 Zborowski District State Archives, Tarnów, Poland, archive from Partynia, 18th-19th centuries Zedlitz District State Archives, Legnica, Poland, archive from Nowy Kosciól, 1461-1920 Zichy National Archives of Hungary, Budapest Zitzewitz District State Archives, Szczecin, Poland, 1510-1922 Zydowski V. Stefanyk Lviv Scientific Library of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv Zywiecki District State Archives, Zywiec, Poland, 1808-1945 |
Romania |
From Rinzis, Filofteia, Arhive personale si familiale, Bucuresti: Arhivele Nationale ale României, 2001, Vol. I: Repertoriu archivistic, 368 pp., including summary in French, pp. 24-28; bibliographical references, pp. 298-303; index of archives, pp. 304-312, index of names, pp. 313-355, and index of locations, pp. 356-368. CD1979.5.A1R56 2001. Romania on referecne in the Library of Congress European Reading Room. Mostly those families listed below are those whose archival holdings date from prior to 1900: | ||
At the Directorate
of the Archives of National History, Bucharest: Bals of Moldova, 1811-1947 Balaceanu, 1690-1949 Bengescu, Oltemia, 1850-1937 Bibescu, Oltenia, 1848-1919 Boteanu, 1863-1942 Bratianu, many locations, 1850-1948 Butculescu, Teleorman, 1537-1948 Cantacuzino, 1834-1940 Caradgea, Muntenia, 1334-1934 Cazimir, from Poland, living in Moldova and then in Eustratie Dabija, 1696-1970 Câmpineanu, 1848-1919 Costache, 1865-1941 Cretulescu, 1644-1968 Cutarida, princes, 1911-1942 Farra, 1812-1914 Falcoianu, 1836-1944 Filipescu, Prahova, 1850-1949 Filitti, Bucharest, 1862-1945 Gardescu, 1800-1976 Gheorghian, Iasi, 1877-1930 Gherasi, 1838-1927 Ghica, from Albania to Moldova, 1840-1935 Greceanu (Grecianu), 1789-1948 Hurmuzaki, Moldova and Bukovina, 1591-1930 Iacovachi, Branesti, 1883-1946 Manu, from Greece to Moldova, XVIth century-1948 Mocioni (Mocsonyi), from Hungary to the Banat, 1701-1948 Obedeanu, Oltenia, 1642-1929 Otetelesanu, various locations, 1579-1888 Panopol, circa 1800-1917 Ponici, 1492-1945 Romalo, Fanar, 1840-1975 Rucareanu, Muscel, 1736-1957 Stârcea, Austrian barons, Moldova and Bukovina, 1835-1948 Sturdza, Moldova, 1822-1945 Sutu, Epir and Moldova, 1819-1903 |
At the Bucharest
Municipal Directorate of the National Archives, Alba Iulia: Bibescu, princes, 1848-1976 Iordache, various locations, 1588-1932 Mavrocordat, various locations, 1790-1947 At the National Archives Directorate of the county of Alba: Haller, Transylvania, noblemen, 1455-1948 Kemény, Transylvania, barons, 1610-1908 At the National Archives Directorate of the county of Arad, Arad: Bogdanovics, various locations, 1782-1881 Bohus-Szögyény, 1759-1883 Constantini-Petrovici, 1716-1923 Fabian-Schenk, noblemen, 1794-1917 Porcia, from Hungary, 1620-1948 Szalay, Deta, 1892-1941 At the National Archives Directorate of the county of Bihor, Oradea: Barany, Misca, noblemen, 1519-1861 Frater, 1416-1941 Ugray-Bölönyi, noblemen, 1295-1860 At the National Archives Directorate of the county of Botosani, Botosani: Aritonovici, Bukovina, 1831-1951 Mavrocordat, Botosani, 1850-1948 At the National Archives Directorate of the county of Braila, Braila: de Roma, Petru, Braila, count, 1864-1946 |
At the National
Archives Directorate of the county of Buzau, Buzau: Dunka, from Poland, 1644-1942 At the National Archives Directorate of the county of Covasna, St. Gheorghe Apor, of Turia de Jos, Transylvania, noblemen, 1325-1895 Bernald, Cernatul de Jos, 1585-1842 Bethlen, Alba de Sus, counts, 1688-1831 Biális, of Ilieni, 1693-1788 Bogáts, of Madaras, 1607-1945 Bogdan, of Martineni, 1573-1937 Cseh, of Catalina, 1594-1910 Cseh, of Cernatul de Jos, 1470-1928 Csoma, of Ghelinta, 1596-1882 Csutak, of Covasna, 1610-1895 Damokos, of Cernatul de Jos, 1470-1921 Ferenczi, various locations, 1650-1867 Gyulay, 1514-1796 Hamar, of Alungeni, 1570-1861 Kiss, 1555-1875 Szentivanyi, of Sântionlunca, 1380-1896 Szentkereszty de Zagon, of Arcus, 1559-1939 Vajna, of Pava, 1555-1933 Vajna, of Simeria, 1611-1839 Zambler, of Cernatul de Jos, 1636-1910 Zathureczky, 1568-1917 Zayzon, 1651-1859 |